If you’re invested in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and are there to see spectacle, Captain America: Brave New World won’t disappoint and will certainly entertain.
2025 is in full swing, and with so many new dreams and expectations on the horizon, many people are looking forward to the next big thing coming out that could shake things up in the consumer market.
Widely considered the best installment in the series as well as one of the best video games of all time, Silent Hill 2 is the sequel to the 1999 PS1 survival horror game “Silent Hill” – which Konami developed as their own entry into the then new “survival horror” genre that began with Capcom’s Resident Evil series.
Two of the biggest companies ever are going to take gamers for a ride once again, and it’s been a partnership that fans have been requesting for and have seemingly given up all hope for… Until now.
Now streaming on Netflix and headlined by singer and actress Jennifer Lopez, Atlas is set in the year 2043 where humanity and rogue AI robots are at war.
If you haven’t heard the news yet, the Silent Hill Franchise is making a long overdue comeback, and its lead developer and owner Konami is actually doing right by fans of the franchise by bringing back one of the most critically acclaimed video game franchises of all time.
He is vengeance. He is the night. He is one of the world’s greatest superhero figures and he celebrates eight and a half decades of existence this year! Batman celebrates his 85th anniversary this year, and since his very appearance in the pages of Detective Comics #27 – the Caped Crusader and vigilante hero of Gotham City has entertained millions of readers and fans worldwide with his relentless pursuit of fighting crime and bringing justice to those threatening the innocent.
From seeing Vault Boy posters to Nuka-Cola machines, as well as bottle caps and familiar creatures that would make fanboys cry with pride, Fallout on Prime is an absolute gorgeous spectacle that needs to be seen. The entire first season is now streaming on Prime Video!