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Empowering Safety and Responsibility: Inside TikTok’s Content and Safety Advisory Council

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, ensuring user safety and promoting responsible content creation is one of the main objectives. 

TikTok, known for its creative energy and diverse user base, recognizes the significance of these goals and has established the Content and Safety Advisory Council to address relevant issues. 

At the forefront of this council is Mona Magno-Veluz, more popularly known as Mighty Magulang on TikTok, a passionate advocate for online safety and a key figure in fostering positive digital experiences.

About her role in TikTok’s Content and Safety Advisory Council

Veluz’ role within TikTok’s Content and Safety Advisory Council involves different aspects.

As an advisor, she lends her expertise on critical matters such as safety for vulnerable communities, digital literacy, wellness, and genuineness. Drawing from her experiences as both a content creator and a mother to digital-native Filipinos, Veluz brings a unique perspective to the table. Her insights aim to enhance the platform’s efforts in fostering responsible content creation and ensuring a positive online environment for all users.

“As a content creator and mother to digital-native Filipinos who grew up with the Internet, I find this particularly important,” said Veluz.

Contrary to popular belief, Veluz’ position within the council is not a salaried role. 

Instead, she serves as the Country Manager of the Autism Society Philippines’ Autism Works program, where she helps youth on the spectrum achieve economic empowerment. This distinction highlights her commitment to social impact beyond her involvement with TikTok.

The Selection Process

TikTok’s selection process for council members prioritizes diversity and expertise. Veluz was chosen for her rich experience in the social impact field and her candidness regarding online safety issues. Her previous collaborations with TikTok further solidified her position as a valuable contributor to the council’s objectives.

According to KahnJi Weerachaising, Policy Outreach Manager of TikTok, “Our Regional Safety Advisory Council (SAC) brings together groups of independent experts who help us develop forward-looking policies and processes that not only address the challenges of today, but also plan ahead for the next set of issues that our industry will face. These councils are an important way to bring outside perspectives into our company and onto our platform.”

Veluz has also previously collaborated with TikTok on the Digital Literacy Hub launch in the Philippines in 2022, emphasizing combatting mis/disinformation.

Addressing the Critical Issues

Within TikTok, Veluz focuses on addressing critical issues such as user safety, protection for individuals with disabilities, and combating misinformation. Her firsthand experiences and regional perspective provide invaluable insights for shaping TikTok’s safety policies and practices.

Amidst doubts that programs such as these are more often than not PR moves, Veluz emphasizes the substantial impact of the Content and Safety Advisory Council. 

“I am only one of many members of the TikTok Content Safety and Advisory Council in Asia-Pacific. Our collective contribution to POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS AND FEEDBACK is what helps shape TikTok’s practices. We also advocate for CULTURAL SENSITIVITY and help TikTok’s policy teams from all over the world understand the nuances and sensitivities of each of our countries. But the able TikTok teams still do the “heavy lifting” — we assist in a consultancy capacity,” said Veluz.

By advocating for policy recommendations, fostering cultural sensitivity, and promoting digital literacy education, Veluz and her fellow council members actively contribute to transforming TikTok’s policies in the Philippines.