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Got friends who had their Facebook account hacked? Here’s all you need to know to keep your accounts safe

As of early 2022, the Philippines had around 84 million Facebook users. Although more than half of them were aged between 13 to 34 years old, a significant number of them were in the age of 55 and above. That last group did not grow up with computers and most likely only got to use them later in their lives and they were most likely introduced to computers and social media by their “Digital Native” children or, at work if they were lucky enough to work in IT.

A lot of them only get to use Facebook because it is in their mobile phones and exclusively use it in the Facebook mobile app. This is being highlighted here because that age group is among those most vulnerable to Facebook account hijacking. Facebook account hijacking happens when scammers unlwawfully gains access to a Facebook profile without the account owner’s knowledge or permission. This can be done by tricking users to giving up their passwords through fake emails (also known as “Phishing”), malicious Facebook posts, or through malicious apps.

Getting hold of an account can give the scammers an inside look into the lives of their targets. Apart from that, it also gives the scammers a direct line of communication to the account’s contact list, allowing them to send fake news or even ask for “financial assistance” from unsuspecting Facebook friends. There had been documented cases of this being successfully done, the most recent incident is when a Catholic Bishop’s account was hijacked by scammers and used to solicit funds from parishioners.

Here are some things that can be done to prevent Facebook account hijacking:

  • Use a strong and unique password. It is not advisable to use passwords that have already been used on other online services. A unique password will ensure that scammers cannot use the password they got from other systems to access your Facebook account.
  • Use Facebook’s two-factor authentication. This provides users with an extra layer of protection and prevents malicious parties from easily logging into accounts in case the password has been exposed or leaked.
  • Use a secure and reputable email provider for Facebook account recovery.  Gmail and Yahoo Mail are the usual options but may not be secure enough and are also often targeted for account takeover.  Consider using other platforms such as ProtonMail ( or Tutanota ( instead.  It is also recommended to apply some of these tips to secure those email accounts to protect them as well.  Procedures for protecting email accounts may vary depending on the email platform.
  • Be choosy in clicking posts or links seen on Facebook from unknown people. Most of these may seem fun, interesting or even inspiring. However, there are instances when these posts are used to gather initial information on users which can be later used to perform account hijacking.
  • When using other people’s devices, do not forget to log out. If you leave your account logged in on another person’s device, that person will be able to access your account and do changes to it without your knowledge.
  • Do not accept friend requests from unknown persons. Remember that your personal information will be available to your Facebook friends. In addition, do not accept friend requests from friends who are already in your friends list without verifying their identity – these are most likely scammers impersonating your friends.
  • Make it a habit to use the Facebook security check up tool to make sure that your account is protected.

Facebook account hijacking is a serious threat that can compromise your personal and financial information, as well as damage your reputation and relationships. By following the tips mentioned above, you can reduce the risk of becoming a victim of this cybercrime and enjoy using Facebook safely and securely.