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Fujitsu Philippines redefines shopping experiences with modern retail solutions at the ActivateNow event

In the whirlwind of retail hustle and bustle, brands and retailers are no strangers to the chaos that peak seasons bring.

The Fujitsu Christmas Village. Each attendee is given a P500 worth of voucher to shop for Fujitsu merchandise.

Picture this: stores buzzing with long lines, big crowds hounding at a concert event, and long queues in a restaurant opening. They occur not only during holiday seasons, but also during regular months, driving businesses to face ongoing challenges to keep things smooth day in and day out.

So the question is, what can merchants do to streamline customer experience across different channels?

Fujitsu Philippines recently hosted the “ActivateNow Southeast Asia” event at the New World Hotel in Makati City, offering customers a glimpse into the future of retail. The event showcased innovative technologies designed to enhance the customers’ shopping experience, with a focus on reducing friction and improving efficiency for both merchants and buyers.

Experiencing the Future of Retail

Attendees were taken on an experiential journey through the Fujitsu Christmas Village, a showcase of cutting-edge retail solutions. The guests had the opportunity to shop for Fujitsu merchandise items for up to P500.

Every bag handed to customers was equipped with a corresponding RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification). Shoppers simply had to place their bags at the self-checkout counter and the system automatically computed the total bill. This created a shopping experience that was both seamless and efficient.

Chilling at the barista-free Fujitsu Café

There have been many cafes with an independent vibe that made their own take of the craft-coffee movement, but Fujitsu introduced one that many have not seen before: a no-barista cafe.

Integrating Assisted Reality (AR), the Fujitsu Cafe had customers wear a Virtual Reality (VR) headset. Through the device, they saw step-by-step instructions of how they can make their preferred coffee. This innovative technology not only introduced a new retail concept, but also demonstrated seamless integration of tools and human interaction in a work setting, showcasing the evolving dynamics of modern workplaces.

Assisted Reality (AR) at work at the Fujitsu Cafe. The text on the screen is what the user sees on their VR headset.

Data, security, and AI for sustainable retail

In today’s market, there’s a growing demand for businesses to step up and embrace sustainable practices. While everyone recognizes the roles that data, security, and AI play, many business owners feel a bit overwhelmed with the details.

Fujitsu Philippines put the spotlight on “radical transparency”, a case study that showcased a modern approach to sustainability. Fujitsu did this by attaching QR codes to clothing items, allowing shoppers to scan and dive into the history of a product — from the raw materials used, to its origins, manufacturing process, all the way to its journey to the store shelves. This forward-thinking move not only shows a commitment to sustainable retail practices but also builds a stronger connection between consumers and the products they choose.

“In addressing sustainability challenges, technology serves as a powerful tool to optimize benefits and minimize waste,” said Jezmynn Koh-Turner, Vice President for Marketing, Fujitsu Asia Pacific. “However, its impact is truly unleashed when coupled with heightened collaboration and teamwork both publicly and privately. It’s through collective efforts that we pave the way for a sustainable future, where technology acts as a catalyst for positive change,” she added.

Fujitsu’s ActivateNow event is a timely reminder that embracing technological innovation is key for merchants aiming to thrive in all seasons. By jumping on board with modern retail solutions, refining customer interactions, and smoothing out operations, businesses can cut through the noise and craft an enjoyable, efficient shopping experience for their customers.